Adopting a balanced diet - is an extremely important factor for you as a mother ready to conceive. Make sure to take enough fiber foods in your diet in the form of fruits and vegetables. Increase the intake of green vegetables and grains to get the proper amount of folic acid. Include fish occasionally in your diet; Because omega 3 fatty acids are equally important for the development of the brain of your unborn baby.
Increase the amount of calcium you take - During pregnancy, you need more calcium to maintain your own calcium and develop your baby's bones and teeth. Your calcium requirement during pregnancy is 1000 mg a day, which you can meet daily with 2-4 doses of milk and an alternative diet.
Build a Workout Routine - Your body is about to experience a lot of changes. Physically, you have to prepare for it. Try stretches and cardio workouts to get your blood flowing. A healthy body makes the entire pregnancy very comfortable, with fewer side effects and complications.
Avoid alcohol and smoking - Even if you don't drink a lot of alcohol, if you are trying to become a mother, then you should give it up. This applies to both men and women. Quit such addictions (especially smoking) completely. Your unborn baby deserves to have healthy parents. make it possible
Get your medical checkup - see your doctor before trying to have a baby. By knowing your past medical details, getting some simple tests done, and identifying some important precautions you need to take, your pregnancy planning can be made much easier.
During pregnancy- an additional 300 calories are needed daily. You can gain an additional 300 calories from any of the following:
2 slices bread with cheese and margarine
Extra bowl of rice for lunch and dinner Every day does not necessarily count your calories. Recognize this by your increasing body weight. Pregnant women should aim for an average of 0.45 kg a week during the second and third trimesters to achieve a total weight gain of 11-15 kg. If you were overweight before pregnancy, you should only gain 6-9 kgs.