Is it really dangerous to get milk from breasts without pregnancy? Know when and why this happens

During pregnancy or during breastfeeding, milk comes out of the breasts of women due to the hormone prolactin. People who have galactorrhea, their body produces a lot of prolactin, due to which milk comes out. The pituitary gland, which is a small gland at the base of the brain, produces many other hormones, including prolactin. When there is some kind of problem in the pituitary gland such as a noncancerous tumor or any pituitary disorder, then in that case women have the problem of galactorrhea.

Is it really dangerous to get milk from breasts without pregnancy? Know when and why this happens

When a woman gives birth to a baby, it is natural for her to have milk from her breasts. Sometimes women may also see fluid coming out of the breasts of women during pregnancy, which is normal. But sometimes milk comes out of the breast of women even without pregnancy. In medical language, this condition is called galactorrhea. Galactorrhea is quite different from the milk a woman produces when she is breastfeeding. Some people also associate this condition with breast cancer. They think that the sudden release of milk from the breast can be the cause of breast cancer, whereas it is not. There is no relation between the two. Today in this article, we will tell you the causes and methods of prevention of breast milk during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Know the reasons for the release of milk from the breasts without pregnancy

During pregnancy or during breastfeeding, milk comes out of the breasts of women due to the hormone prolactin. People who have galactorrhea, their body produces a lot of prolactin, due to which milk comes out. The pituitary gland, which is a small gland at the base of the brain, produces many other hormones, including prolactin. When there is some kind of problem in the pituitary gland such as a noncancerous tumor or any pituitary disorder, then in that case women have the problem of galactorrhea.

These reasons can also be responsible

  1. Enlarged breast or nipple stimulation
  2. Prescription drugs like antipsychotics, antidepressants, or high blood pressure drugs
  3. Chronic kidney disease
  4. Due to which surgery or injury the nerve of the chest is damaged
  5. Due to changes in hormones
  6. Spinal cord surgery or injury
  7. Marijuana, opioids, or cocaine use
  8. Lack of Testosterone in Men
  9. High Levels of Estrogen in Newborns
  10. Following a Bad Lifestyle

What are the symptoms of galactorrhea

  1. Severe headache
  2. Irregularity in periods
  3. The discharge of the nipple from the nipple
  4. Loss of eyesight
  5. Growth of Breast Tissue
  6. Lack of desire to have sex
  7. Having pimples on the face, etc.

Test for galactorrhea

If you feel the above-mentioned symptoms in your body, then you can do some tests for it. These tests will help you tell whether your breast milk is the cause of galactorrhea or if there is some other reason behind it. However, you should consult a good doctor before getting the test done. The doctor will identify your symptoms and advise you to get yourself tested. Today we are telling you some such tests which are suggested for galactorrhea.

  1. Pregnancy Test
  2. Hormonal Test
  3. MRI
  4. Mammogram or Sonography

Can also be a sign of breast cancer

When a person is in the grip of breast cancer, a sticky substance like milk comes out from his breast. If you see the fluid coming out of your breast is yellow, thick, and bloody, then contact the doctor immediately. Because it can be a symptom of breast cancer.