Week by Week

5 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, you may be fairly aware that something is going on in your body. Your period has not come on...

4 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

You have implantation this week! The embryo, now called a blastocyst, has now arrived in the uterus and is looking for a suitable...

3 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

It's time to celebrate a lot like the third week is coming to an end and it means getting pregnant! Being 3 weeks pregnant means that...

2 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

Although at 2 weeks pregnant you may feel that everything is fine, it can take some time to be sure that you are pregnant. But, with...

1 week pregnant - what to expect?

As soon as you know that you are pregnant, forget everything you have heard about it. Movies tell us that you will start feeling nauseous...