How and when should a pregnancy test be done?
If the period does not come on time, the talk of getting pregnant starts swirling in the mind of any woman. To confirm this, the presence and level of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) is detected in the urine and hormone of the woman. Actually, the presence or absence of 'HCG hormone' in a woman's body determines whether she is going to become a mother or not.

The best time to check for pregnancy is between 1 to 2 weeks after the end of the period. After sex, when the sperm fuses with the egg, the fertilized egg gets implanted in the uterus. After this, the HCG hormone starts to be made in the woman's body. This hormone can be found in a woman's urine about 7 to 14 days after fertilization. Therefore, after the end of the period, if the period does not come for a week, the menstruation is irregular or it comes late, then a pregnancy test should be done after two weeks.
Let us now know the process of this test.
How to do pregnancy test?
Pregnancy test can be done in two ways:
(1) You can check pregnancy at home through pregnancy test kit available in the market.
(2) A pregnancy test can also be done by a medical professional by visiting the clinic.
Both the procedures mentioned above are explained in detail below.
Before using the pregnancy test kit, the instructions given with the kit should be read thoroughly. Remember that different brands of pregnancy test kits have different instructions. For example, in some test you have to urinate on a test strip, in some you have to put a few drops of urine sample with a dropper on the groove or circle provided on the test kit. Similarly, some digital test kits include pregnant (pregnant) and not pregnant (not pregnant). Appears written, while some test kits show pink or blue stripes. Therefore, before using any brand of pregnancy test kit, read the instructions given with it.
Correct way to use pregnancy test kit
To test for pregnancy with a pregnancy test kit, take the first morning urine sample in a small container and drop a few drops from the dropper provided with the test kit into the groove on the test strip. After that wait for 5 minutes. You will see one or two light or dark pink streaks. Read the instructions that came with the test kit carefully to understand what these colored streaks mean. Based on these instructions, you can find out the result of the test and know whether you are pregnant or not.
Best time to use pregnancy test kit
Morning time instead of evening is the best time for pregnancy test. In fact, the level of 'hCG hormone' which informs of pregnancy is highest in the body in the morning.
Take these precautions while checking with a pregnancy test kit ·
- If the test at home with the kit gives a negative result, then after 72 hours or three days, do the test again. Actually, in the early days, the level of 'hCG hormone' in urine is slightly less, due to which pregnancy is not recognized properly. If after 72 hours the result of the second test also comes negative, then do not forget to consult a qualified female doctor. Remember that there could be other reasons for your period not coming on time. ·
- To get the correct result from the pregnancy test, a urine sample should be taken in the first morning.·
- Do not drink large amounts of water, tea or coffee before the test. This can decrease the level of the 'hCG hormone' in the body and affect your test results. ·
- Keep everything used during the test clean and clean.
- Before using any pregnancy test kit, check its expiry date. According to doctors, the kit should be used within 10 hours after opening the packet.
Time taken to get test results
Testing with a pregnancy test kit gives results in 1 to 3 minutes or as much as 5 minutes. As a precaution, the instructions provided with the test kit should be read and followed carefully.
Are home pregnancy test results accurate?
If you carefully read and follow the instructions provided with the pregnancy test kit, the test results can be accurate. Some pregnancy test kits are more sensitive and easier to use, but no matter what the kit, you must follow the precautions listed above to get the right results. If your periods are not regular, then a pregnancy test should be done according to the time of the last longest menstrual cycle. If you have stopped the use of birth control pills some time ago and your test result comes negative, then definitely do a pregnancy test again after 72 hours or 3 days.
Meaning of different signs after investigation
Wait 1 to 5 minutes after inserting a urine sample for testing in the pregnancy test kit. Then look at the kit and analyze the results as follows: ·
- If a light or dark pink line appears on the kit, the test result is negative, meaning you are not pregnant. ·
- If two light or dark pink stripes appear on the kit, then the test result is positive that means you are pregnant.
- If no line is visible on the kit, then the kit may be defective or for some other reason. For example, due to hasty tests, irregularities in sampling, poor hygiene, or low levels of the 'hCG hormone' in the urine sample, the kit can prove to be unsuccessful.
Light pink line meaning
A light pink line can mean that your womb is not very mature yet, or your guess about ovulation is not correct or that your fertilized egg may not have implanted at the time you expected. For all these reasons, you may see a light pink line on the pregnancy test kit. Therefore, you must do the pregnancy test again within 72 hours or 3 days after the light pink line is seen.
Signs indicating a positive result
If you see two dark pink or blue lines as a result after inserting a urine sample on the pregnancy test kit, it is a clear sign that you are pregnant. Remember that some pregnancy test kits also use other symbols to indicate a positive or negative result. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions provided with the kit carefully to understand the exact meaning of any sign.
Reasons for getting negative results
There can be many reasons why a pregnancy test result is negative or negative. For example, if the right time is not chosen for the test, then a negative result can be obtained. You should take a pregnancy test after having sex and estimating the exact time of implantation of the fertilized egg. A pregnancy test should be done at least 15 days after sex, because before this the level of HCG hormone in the body is low. Similarly, if you do not take the precautions mentioned in this article, then the result of the test may come negative.
Apart from this, it may also happen that due to some reason there may be a miscarriage. If this happens, the result of the test can come negative. Our advice is that in this situation, the woman should seek medical advice and get her checkup done properly.
Pregnancy test with home remedies Remedies to do pregnancy test at home without kit.
Next we are going to tell you about those home remedies, with the help of which pregnancy test can be done. However, the results obtained from these remedies are not very reliable. Apart from this, medical science also does not recognize these prescriptions.
Therefore, for complete satisfaction, get a pregnancy test kit from a pregnancy test kit or a specialist doctor. Apart from this, take full care of the cleanliness of the things used in home remedies.
(1) Pregnancy test with the help of soap.
To test for pregnancy with soap, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or container. Mix a small amount of soap in the urine sample and wait for some time.
(2) Pregnancy test with the help of sugar.
To do a pregnancy test with sugar, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or a vessel. Now add two spoons of sugar to the urine sample and dissolve it. If the sugar does not dissolve completely in the urine and the 'hCG hormone' present in the urine mixes with the sugar to form clumps or lumps, then it is a sign that you are pregnant. But, if the sugar completely dissolves in the urine then you are not pregnant.
(3) Pregnancy Test Using Toothpaste
To do a pregnancy test with toothpaste, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or container. Now add a little white toothpaste to the urine sample. Stir this mixture with a brush after about 1 hour. If the mixture turns frothy and blue, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
(4) Pregnancy Test Using Vinegar
To test for pregnancy with vinegar or vinegar, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or vessel. Now add a little vinegar to the urine sample and mix it. If this mixture changes color, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
(5) Pregnancy Test Using Pine Sol (Cleaner)
To do a pregnancy test with the easily available pine sol (cleaner) in the market, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or any vessel. Now mix equal quantity of pine sol in the urine sample. If the color of this mixture changes after a while, then it is a sign that you are pregnant.
(6) Pregnancy Test With Baking Soda
To test for pregnancy with baking soda, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or container. Now add about two teaspoons of baking soda to this sample and mix it. If the baking soda reacts with the urine to form bubbles, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
(7) Pregnancy Test Using Bleach
To do a bleach pregnancy test, take a small amount of first morning urine in a disposable glass or container. Now add a small amount of bleach powder to this sample and mix it. If bubbles appear in the mixture, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
(8) Pregnancy Test Using Dettol
To test for pregnancy with Dettol, take about 20 ml of first morning urine in a disposable glass or container. Now add equal quantity of Dettol to this sample and mix it. If the color of the mixture turns milky white, then
(9) Onion Pregnancy Test
To test the pregnancy with onion, keep the chopped onion in the vagina of the woman overnight. If the onion does not smell, then the woman should be considered pregnant.
Pregnancy Test in Clinic
Apart from the above mentioned methods, pregnancy test can also be done by visiting a specialist doctor by visiting the clinic. The results of such tests are more accurate and reliable.
(1) Pregnancy test with urine sample:
In the clinic, the doctor can give accurate information about the pregnancy status by examining the urine sample. In this type of test also, the presence of HCG hormone is detected by taking a sample of urine before morning.
(2) Pregnancy test by blood test:
Sometimes blood test is also done to gather information about the pregnancy in the very early stages of pregnancy. This test is more sensitive than the urine test. A blood test can give definitive information about your pregnancy as early as 6 days after ovulation or immediately after the implantation of a fertilized egg. An ectopic or molar pregnancy can be suspected if the hCG hormone is too high or low in the body. In this case, a doctor's advice must be taken.
(3) Pregnancy Test with Ultrasound:
In this technique high-frequency sound waves are sent to the baby in the uterus, which are returned and converted into a picture on a computer screen. In this type of test, the amniotic fluid (the fluid in which the baby lives) does not react with sound waves. Therefore, this liquid appears black in the picture. At the same time, solid tissue like bone appears in white color and soft tissue appears in gray or brown color. By comparing the different positions of these three colors (gray, black and white) the doctor interprets the exact position of the baby in the womb.
At the end of the article, we have come up with some questions and their answers.
Frequently asked questions
1. Where to buy pregnancy test kit?
Pregnancy test kits can be purchased from almost all drug stores without a prescription. You can also buy this kit online.
2. What is the cost of a pregnancy test kit?
There are many types of pregnancy test kits sold at drug stores and online stores. Different brands of kits also have different prices. Usually the price of pregnancy test kit ranges between Rs 80 to 150.
3. HOW TO USE THE Items Included With The Pregnancy Test Kit?
When you open the pregnancy test kit, you will find an instruction manual, a dropper, and a test strip. How to use this kit is written in the instruction manual.
Hard words-
Dropper - through which a sample of urine is put in the test kit.
Test kit - A white stripe with round or square grooves on it. A few drops of urine sample are put into these grooves with a dropper.
Of course, it is not difficult to check pregnancy at home, but it is important to keep things related to it in mind. All these precautions are mentioned above in the article. Along with this, how to check pregnancy at home, its method has also been told. Therefore, if you are also trying to get pregnant and have missed periods, then do check pregnancy at home once. If you still do not understand anything after this, then get a checkup done by the doctor.