How long should I wait to see the correct result in the pregnancy kit? Know the right time and way
How long should I wait for the result after putting the urine drops in the pregnancy kit? Let's know the right time and way

After marriage, when a couple plans a baby, it is expected to conceive every month. Although the first symptom of pregnancy is to miss a period when someone is very desperate for a baby, then they cannot wait to miss the period and they go home only after 1 week of ovulation. I start doing the Urine Pregnancy Test by bringing a pregnancy kit. There are also many women who use pregnancy kit but they do not know the right way to use them. Many people complain that when they put urine in the kit, only 1 line came for 1-2 minutes but after 5 minutes, the second line looked light, is it pregnancy? Let us know today what is the way to see the correct result in the pregnancy kit and how long should one wait after passing urine?
Right time and way to use pregnancy kit
Always use morning urine in the pregnancy kit. Although some doctors say that the kit can be used with any urine of the day. To use the kit, first open the kit, and with the help of a dropper, add 4 drops of urine to the kit. Immediately after passing urine, the kit reads the HCG hormone in the woman's body and displays the result on the screen. For this, you only have to wait for 2 minutes. If within 2 minutes 2 lines appear on the screen of the kit then it means that you are pregnant and if only 1 line comes then you are not pregnant. There are many people who see the result after 5 minutes of putting urine in the kit. This method is not correct. Because after 5 to 7 minutes even if you are not pregnant, you can still see a light line there. Doctors recommend checking the result within 2 or more than 3 minutes.
There are 2 types of infertility
On the one hand, while the time is progressing, the age is getting advanced and new technologies are coming, on the other hand, the graph of infertility is increasing. Let us tell you that there are two types of infertility, the first is primary infertility and the second is secondary infertility. Primary infertility is that in which a married couple has intercourse for 1 year without protection but the woman is not able to conceive. Whereas secondary infertility is that in which a woman conceives once but is unable to do it again. Both men and women can be responsible for this. Gynecologist Archana Nirula says that about 40% of men are responsible for infertility. Therefore, first of all, the semen analysis of the man should be done.
Disclaimer: This information is being told on the basis of their experiences after reading many reports and talking to women. You should consult a doctor to use a pregnancy kit or to confirm pregnancy.