5 ways to ease your labor pain
There are many methods available to reduce labor pain. The intensity of pain varies from woman to woman, but before you go through with labor, it will be helpful for you to become familiar with some common methods so that you will be able to make quick decisions when they are needed.

Respiration and relaxation
This means breathing exercises and relaxation methods that you will probably practice during your antenatal class. You will get relief by breathing fast. If you get a gentle massage on your back with the help of your colleague, it can also give you relief. This will be enough for you in early labor, but many mothers may have to resort to other pain relief methods once the contraction pain becomes too much.
Nitrous oxide gas
This gas, which is colloquially called "laughing gas", mixes with oxygen. In this method, gas is used through a mask or mouthpiece from a machine placed next to the bed. You have to take deep and continuous breaths before the pain increases with each contraction because it takes 20 to 30 seconds for the gas to take effect. Since the gas is neither absorbed in your body nor in your baby's body, it is safe. However, gas can make you feel dizzy, drowsy or nauseous, and not all moms-to-be find this method of pain relief effective.
Injection or medicine
Pain-relieving drugs such as pethidine (which is most commonly used) can be given by injection into the muscle to ease your labor, but their efficacy is not the same for all individuals. These can cause slight drowsiness or nausea, and a lack of support from the mother in pushing. Also, these drugs cross the placenta or placenta to reach the baby and make the baby sleepy after birth. and obstructs his respiration. If this happens, your baby may be given an "antidote" to relieve these side effects.
Epidural analgesia
Analgesia means pain reliever. The anesthesiologist will insert a very fine plastic tube into your epidural area by passing a needle placed on your back near your groin. After the needle is removed and the tube is inserted, local anesthesia is then injected to relieve pain. It usually takes about 10 minutes and again 10 to 15 minutes for the medicine to take effect. The effect of each dose lasts for about 2 hours, after which more medicine may need to be injected through a plastic tube. As an alternative, sometimes a slow continuous flow of local anesthetics is used. Epidural analgesia is the only method that is able to keep you awake all the time as well as relieve pain during labor. Local anesthetics have a tendency to numb your legs but have little effect on your baby. With the help of your obstetrician, you will still be able to push during the second stage of labor. This tube is also useful for administering surgical anesthesia if a sudden caesarean section or assisted delivery is needed. It can also be used in postoperative pain management. Epidural analgesia is especially important when labor is long and difficult.
Combined Spinal Epidural Analgesia (CSE)
Combined spinal-epidural analgesia is similar to the process of epidural analgesia described earlier. However, after inserting the needle into your back and before inserting the plastic tube, your anesthesiologist will use a second needle through the first needle to pierce the dura (the hard membrane that surrounds your spinal cord) to inject microscopic amounts of anesthetics. I Will put a fine needle. Next, this needle will be removed and a plastic tube will be placed in the epidural area as described earlier. One of the major advantages of combined spinal-epidural analgesia is that it is a quicker and quicker way to relieve pain and maintain mobility.