Signs of having a girl in the womb

It is believed that there are many symptoms in a pregnant woman which are related to the sex of the unborn child. With the help of which it can be found out whether there is a boy or a girl in the womb.

Signs of having a girl in the womb

Whenever a woman becomes pregnant, there is a wave of happiness in her family as well. And only one question comes to everyone's mind whether the child born in the womb will be a boy or a girl, but in India, it is a crime to conduct a sex test. That's why some people adopt many home methods to do gender tests. But it is not advisable to rely solely on these methods as there is no proof that they are correct. But there is no harm in adopting these methods.

So today in this article we will know what are the symptoms of having a girl in the womb and how can it be tested if there is a girl in the womb and how much truth is behind it.

How to know whether the baby in the womb is a boy or a girl

In the olden times, people used to guess by looking at some habits of the pregnant woman whether the woman would be a boy or a girl. For example, if the face of a woman is glowing and glowing, then it means that the woman will have a boy, but if the woman has a lot of acne on her face and the face looks extinguished, then it means that the woman will give birth to a girl. Similarly, from some other habits and things, it can be estimated whether a pregnant woman will give birth to a girl or a boy. Let us know about some such symptoms-

Symptoms of having a girl in the womb - Nausea

Some people believe that severe nausea in the morning is a sign of being a girl. In fact, recent research has found that feeling sick during pregnancy may be linked to the sex of the baby. Women who give birth to girl children feel more unwell than women who give birth to boys. But more research is still needed to fully understand the connection between morning sickness and a baby's gender.

Signs of having a daughter in the womb Mood swings

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can often cause mood swings. Some people believe that women who have given birth to a girl have higher estrogen levels and as a result, those women have more mood swings. However, no research supports this theory. Because hormone levels increase during pregnancy and decrease after giving birth, whether the baby in the womb is a boy or a girl.

Signs of being born a girl: Sudden weight gain

If a woman suddenly gains a lot of weight in the middle of pregnancy, some people believe that it means that the woman is going to have a girl. But no scientific evidence supports this theory. Because it is common for a woman to gain weight during pregnancy, and it depends on her body type.

Signs of having a daughter: Having a strong desire to eat sweets -

Women often experience cravings to eat a variety of things while pregnant. Some people believe that if a pregnant woman has a craving for a lot of sweets, then there is a possibility that she may give birth to a girl, while cravings for salty things indicate a boy. But there is no scientific evidence that food cravings during pregnancy can indicate the sex of the baby.

Signs of having a girl child Stress level –

It is believed that the stress level of women prior to conception can affect the sex of the child. A 2012 study found a correlation between levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the male-to-female birth ratio. This study found that women with high levels of cortisol hormone were more likely to have a girl child. More research is needed to better understand the relationship between stress and the sex of the unborn child.

Signs of having a daughter Oily skin and falling hair –

Some people believe that if a pregnant woman has oily skin and dull hair, it means that she can give birth to a girl child. But the proof of this is not scientifically based. Because changes in skin oil production or hair texture during pregnancy can be related to hormonal changes or changes in diet.

Signs of being a girl child's fast heartbeat -

Some believe that if the baby's heart beats faster, a pregnant woman can give birth to a girl child. However, researchers debunked this myth decades ago in a study that found no significant difference in heart rates between male and female fetuses. Therefore, it is difficult to guess from the heartbeat whether there is a boy or a girl in the womb.

Consequences of sex determination during pregnancy

In some countries like India, it is illegal for parents to know the sex of the fetus through ultrasound. Here are some of the major consequences of sex determination, both medically and culturally, including:

If the skills of the doctor or technician are questionable in any way, they may mislead you on the sex of the baby, leaving you disappointed.