4 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

You have implantation this week! The embryo, now called a blastocyst, has now arrived in the uterus and is looking for a suitable place to an implant for the next 36 weeks. Implantation usually happens around the time you expect your period, so don't be surprised if you have light bleeding in the fourth week. However, it can be termed as implantation bleeding only if it is mild and not for regular continuous periods. The wall of the uterus is so full of blood that any rupture can cause light bleeding. Some women say that they experience the moment the blastocyst is implanted!

4 weeks pregnant - what to expect?

Is it time to announce the baby shower?

  • You can expect this week that you are definitely pregnant if you don't have your period when it was the expected week to come. It will be right to keep track of your chakras with the help of a calendar. You may experience some early pregnancy symptoms (see below) that alert you that your body may be feeling a little different than usual. But if you feel like normal days then there is nothing to worry. Even though you are 4 weeks pregnant, your body is still adapting itself to all your pregnancy changes.
  • By the time you are 4 weeks pregnant, it is possible to confirm your pregnancy through a blood or urine test. If Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone (HCG) is present in your body, then both of these tests will be easily detected. The great thing about a urine test is that you can do it in your own home. Do this test when you wake up in the morning. HCG intensity will be highest at this time.

Your body changes this week

  • You may feel twitching and "stuffy" in the lower part of the pelvis. You may feel full or feel more airy than usual.
  • At the same time, the condition of nausea or being heavy in the morning can start, especially if you have not eaten anything. The thought of food can make you feel bad, even though you usually love that food. The smell of coffee, fish, red meat and even pet food can make you crave nausea.
  • Your breast tenderness increases and the nipples may become more sensitive. Your breasts appear fuller and rounder, especially if your breasts are usually smaller.
  • You may feel the need to urinate more often than usual. You may not be able to hold urine for as long as compared to normal and that too only in small amounts. This is because your blood volume increases and your filled uterus presses down on the bladder.
  • You may see some light spots of bleeding from the implantation.

Emotional changes in you this week

  • You may feel a lot of nervousness and excitement in your mind. Waiting for this fact and going to the bathroom, again and again, to check whether your period comes or not can seem like a never-ending wait.
  • You may feel the same way you usually do before your period: become overly emotional, easily irritable, and generally moodier.
  • If you want to get pregnant, but the pregnancy test result comes back negative, you may start feeling disappointed. Talk to your partner or a supportive friend. On the other hand, if you don't want to get pregnant but you find out that you are pregnant, it can be a stressful situation.

Changes coming in your baby this week

  • This week your baby is very small, the size of a poppy seed. It is hardly visible to the naked eye.
  • It's time to understand the scientific point of view: 4th week of pregnancy A lot of structure and cell division process happens. Three distinct layers of cells begin to form. The ectoderm (outer layer) eventually forms the baby's skin, eyes, hair, nervous system, brain, and even the enamel of her teeth. Their bone structure, muscles and kidneys, tissue, and vascular (circulatory) system are formed from the middle layer (mesoderm). Their internal organs are eventually formed from the inner layer (endoderm).
  • When a cell has a specific function it cannot be a different type of cell. Every cell is pre-programmed from the beginning and knows what to do and what to become. Nature has its own predetermined paths.

This week's advice

  • Buy one or two pregnancy tests from a chemist's shop or supermarket. It is not necessary that what is most expensive is the best. Select the one with 2 sticks so that you can do the test again. There is no chance of getting a false positive reading, but you can definitely get negative results in the initial stages. So if you get a negative result first, don't worry and test again after a few days!
  • Make the first appointment out of your many upcoming prenatal appointments. This will initially be with your GP who will refer you to an obstetrician for further care.
  • Don't be in too much heat and stay in a comfortable position. A high temperature in the early weeks of pregnancy can sometimes have a bad effect on the developing baby. Get plenty of rest, move and eat healthily!