Bad Company - The Story of the Lion and the Wolf

One day a young lion was roaming alone in the forest. Then he saw a wolf in the bushes. The wolf also saw the lion and got scared. He thought that if he tried to run away, the lion would surely kill him. So he himself went to the lion and said- Dear sir you look very kind. If you take me to your den and let me stay with your family, I will serve your family.

Bad Company - The Story of the Lion and the Wolf

He further said – I have never seen such a majestic young lion before in my life. This young lion was repeatedly told by his father and mother not to be friends with any wolf. But he was captivated by the wolf's smooth talk. The lion agreed to take the wolf to the den.

The lion's parents did not want their son to roam with the wolf. But the lion used to ignore his words despite his refusal every time. They feared that someday the lion would be in trouble because of the wolf. One day the wolf had a strong craving to eat horse meat. He went to the lion and with folded hands said - Sir, there is nothing that we have not eaten except fresh horse meat. I have heard that it tastes very delicious.

The lion also felt like eating horse meat. The lion asked the wolf to take him to the place where the horses roam. The wolf took the lion to the bank of a pond. Where some horses had come to bathe. The lion hid behind a bush and after catching a fine horse he ran back to his den.

The lion's father warned him. My son, the horse belongs to the king of this kingdom. He has many skilled archers. If you kill another horse, you will put your life in danger. But the young lion soon got used to the taste of horse meat. The wolf was also tasting the meat of the horse along with the lion.

Soon it reached the ears of the king that a lion was hunting his horse. The king built a big water tank inside the city to keep his horse safe from the lion. Where horses can bathe But the lion somehow entered the city and killed the horse while it was bathing. Then the king ordered his men to keep the horse in the porcupine stables. Thinking that the lion would not dare to enter the royal stables. But the lion also entered the royal stable and killed the horse in his stable itself.

At last, the king called the most skilled archer and ordered him to kill the lion. The next day when the lion jumped on the wall of the royal stables in search of the horse, it was wounded by an arrow by the archer. He called out to the wolf in pain. help me, my friend.

The wolf was waiting for the lion to return with a horse. But when he heard his call for help, he understood that the lion had been caught. Without wasting time and ran into the dense forest. By not following the advice of his parents, the lion lost his life repenting of his bad company.