11 Tips for a Normal Delivery

Every pregnant woman worries whether she will have a normal delivery or a cesarean. Usually doctors recommend a normal delivery only. At the same time, in the last few years, pregnant women are opting for caesarean delivery in view of the pain in normal delivery.

11 Tips for a Normal Delivery

According to the National Health Family Survey (Year 2015-16) data, 28.3 percent of women in urban areas opted for delivery via C-section in the last 5 years. At the same time, 12.9 percent of women in the village-country delivered by C-section, while in the year 2005-06, the figure of total caesarean delivery (caesarean delivery in both city and village) was only 8.5 percent. Despite this, normal delivery is considered better than caesarean delivery. In this article of MyBabyCare, we will talk about normal delivery only.

Factors that increase the chances of a normal delivery
Below we are telling about some such factors, which can increase the chances of having a normal delivery:

  • If the pregnant woman has had a normal delivery before.
  • If the pregnant woman does not have any kind of physical disease (eg - asthma etc.).
  • If the pregnant woman and the baby in the womb have normal weight.
  • If the pregnant woman does not suffer from any serious health problems during pregnancy.
  • If the pregnant woman remains physically active during pregnancy.
  • If the pregnant woman's blood pressure, blood sugar and hemoglobin level in the blood are normal.

Note: The factors mentioned above do not guarantee a normal delivery. These only increase the chances of a normal delivery.

Later in the article we will talk about the symptoms that indicate normal delivery.

Signs and symptoms of normal delivery
Yes, on the basis of certain signs and symptoms, normal delivery can be predicted. Usually these symptoms start appearing in the pregnant woman's body before four weeks of delivery. These symptoms and signs are as follows:

  • Between 34th week and 36th week of pregnancy, if the head of the fetus comes down, it increases the chances of a normal delivery.
  • The head of the fetus puts pressure on the vagina of the pregnant woman, causing the woman to urinate frequently. This can be a symptom of the fetus coming down.
  • If the pregnant woman feels difficulty in moving due to the downward movement of the fetus, then it can be a symptom of normal delivery.
  • As the time of delivery approaches, the muscles of the anus of the pregnant woman become loose. Due to this, the woman may complain of thin stools. It can also be considered as a sign of normal delivery.

Let us now know what is the process of normal delivery.

How is normal delivery done?
The process of normal delivery is divided into three stages. Its first phase is also divided into three parts, which are explained in detail below.

First stage of normal delivery:

1. Latent Process: In normal delivery, the latent process lasts for a long time. In this the cervix can open up to 3 cm. This process can start a week before delivery or a few hours before delivery. During this, a pregnant woman may also have contractions in between.

Tips for pregnant women going through the latent process:

  • Relax and take care of yourself.
  • Keep moving in between and drink plenty of water.
  • Don't be alone, keep someone or the other with you.
  • Start preparing to go to the hospital.
  • Contact your doctor.

2. Active Procedure: In the active process, the cervix opens up to 3-7 cm. During this, there is a sharp pain due to contraction. Tips for pregnant women going through the active process:

  • If contractions start to intensify, relax yourself and focus on breathing exercises.
  • Have someone massage your shoulders and room. This will give you relief.
  • In such a situation, you should be in the hospital, so that you and the fetal heartbeat can be checked.

3. Transition process: In the transition process, the cervix opens up to 8-10 cm. During this, the contractions keep happening continuously and the pain also increases. Tips for pregnant women going through the transition process:

  • If fluid is coming from the vagina, then note down the details of its smell and color in one place.
  • Keep calm and focus on breathing exercises.
  • At this time, the doctor can check your heartbeat and that of your unborn baby.

Second stage of normal delivery – baby coming out
During this, the cervix opens completely and the speed of contraction increases. In this stage the baby's head comes down completely. At this time, doctors ask the pregnant woman to push herself. By doing this the head of the baby comes out first. The doctor then takes out the rest of the baby's body.

Tips for pregnant women going through the second stage:

  • During the contraction, you change your position in between.
  • Keep breathing regularly.
  • Keep trying to push the baby.

The third stage of normal delivery – the umbilical cord coming out

As soon as the baby comes out, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and separates it. In the third stage, the 'placenta' present in the uterus of the pregnant woman comes out. After the birth of the baby, the placenta also begins to separate from the wall of the uterus. A pregnant woman has mild contractions even during the separation of the placenta. These contractions can start up to five minutes after the baby is born. The process of the placenta coming out can last for about half an hour. For this also, doctors ask the pregnant woman to force herself.

Further important information has been given regarding normal delivery.

How long does normal delivery take?
Generally, the time taken for normal delivery depends on the physical condition of the pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman is going to have a normal delivery for the first time, then this process can take up to 7-8 hours. At the same time, if this is the second delivery of a pregnant woman, then this process may take a little less time.

11 Tips to Increase Your Chances of Normal Delivery
Any pregnant woman can increase her chances of having a normal delivery by adopting these tips given below:

1. Stay away from stress: Pregnant women who want to have a normal delivery should try to stay away from stress during pregnancy. For this, if they want, they can meditate, listen to music or read books.

2. Don't think negative things: Stay away from negative things during pregnancy. Do not pay any attention to the negative things and anecdotes heard about the delivery. Remember that every woman's experience may be different. Therefore, do not create fear within yourself because of the bad experiences of others.

3. Get the right information about childbirth: Right information removes fear. Therefore, try to get as much accurate information about the delivery as possible. This helps the pregnant woman to understand the process of delivery better.

4. Be with loved ones: Being with loved ones makes a pregnant woman emotionally strong. So, always try to be with your loved ones during pregnancy.

5. Choose the right doctor: The pregnant woman should choose the doctor for delivery very carefully. For normal delivery, it is important to choose such a doctor, who keeps giving correct information about the condition of the pregnant woman's body and tries to have a normal delivery.

6. Hire an Experienced Midwife to Help: Women who want to have a normal delivery are advised to keep an experienced midwife with them. Such midwives have good experience in delivering normal delivery, so they can prove to be very helpful for pregnant women during delivery. In addition, midwives are also well-versed about the care that needs to be taken after the birth of the baby.

7. Massage the lower body regularly: After the seventh month of pregnancy, pregnant women can start massaging their lower body. This facilitates delivery and also relieves stress.

8. Keep yourself hydrated: Pregnant women should always keep themselves hydrated. They should drink plenty of water or juice. There can be a lack of water in the labor pain, so keep drinking water little by little.

9. Take care of the right position to get up and sit: The position of a pregnant woman from sitting to lying down affects the baby in the womb. Therefore, they should always try to keep their body in the right position. For example, while sitting, they should sit with their back properly supported.

10. Keep weight under control: Weight gain is normal in pregnancy, but pregnant women should not gain too much weight. Being overweight can cause problems during delivery. Actually, if the mother is too fat, then the baby has difficulty in coming out.

11. Exercise: Regular exercise during pregnancy increases the chances of normal delivery. Therefore, do exercise regularly after consulting a doctor. Also, on the advice of the doctor, keep doing everyday household chores.

Further in the article, we are giving some more useful tips.

Do's and Don'ts for Normal Delivery?
A pregnant woman's eating habits and lifestyle have a great impact on her health as well as the health of the unborn baby. Below we are telling about some such habits, which are considered important for normal delivery.

Tips related to food items for normal delivery

What should we eat?
Pregnant women should include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, non-fat meat, seasonal fruits, eggs, berries and legumes etc. in their diet for normal delivery. Apart from this, they should keep themselves hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day.

What not to eat during pregnancy?
Raw eggs, alcohol, cigarettes, high amounts of caffeine, fish with high mercury levels, raw papaya, raw sprouts, cheese made from cream milk, raw meat, homemade ice cream and junk food etc. should be avoided during pregnancy.

Exercise tips for normal delivery
If the pregnant woman does not have any medical problems, then she is advised to exercise regularly during pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy not only keeps the mother and baby healthy, but it also increases the chances of a normal delivery.

What to do?
Pregnant women are advised to do the following exercises:

  • Walk regularly in the morning and evening.
  • Swim for a while.
  • Do some cycling.
  • Do a light run.
  • If you want, you can also go to pregnancy exercise class.

Note: Remember that every pregnant woman's physical condition is different. Therefore, before starting any exercise, consult a doctor once.

What not to do?
Exercises such as weightlifting, which put pressure on the lower abdomen.

  • Do not participate in sports like martial arts, soccer and basketball etc.
  • If you don't feel like exercising on a day, don't exercise that day.
  • Do not exercise when you have a fever.
  • Do not do excessive stretching exercises.
  • Do not exercise for a long time. This can make you tired.

Tips related to yoga for normal delivery. Normal Delivery Ke Liye Yoga
If a pregnant woman does certain types of yoga on a regular basis, then the chances of having a normal delivery increase. Following yogasanas are recommended for normal delivery:

  • marjari seat
  • Baddhakonasana
  • virabhadrasana
  • trikonasana
  • cremation

Note: Remember that every pregnant woman's physical condition is different. Therefore, before starting the practice of any yoga posture, consult a doctor once.

When to start perineal massage?
Perineal massage proves beneficial for normal delivery. This massage can be started from 34th week of pregnancy. Pregnant women who want to have a normal delivery are advised to do perineal massage for a few minutes every day. Almond oil can be used for this massage.

How to do Perineal Massage:

  • Sit in a secluded place with the support of the wall. While sitting, keep the feet forward. If you want, you can also keep a comfortable pillow behind the back.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and apply some oil on your fingers.
  • Now put the thumbs of both the hands inside the vagina for about 2.5 cm and place the rest of the fingers on the buttocks.
  • After this, gently massage the inside of the vagina with the thumbs.
  • Pregnant women are advised to do perineal massage for five minutes.

Why should one opt for normal delivery?
Opting for a normal delivery has many benefits for the health of both the mother and the baby. These benefits are explained in detail below.

Benefits of normal delivery to the mother:

  • It doesn't take long to recover after delivery.
  • After normal delivery, the mother is able to feed her baby immediately.
  • Unlike caesarean delivery, no incisions are needed in normal delivery. Therefore, a pregnant woman does not have to bear any kind of pain after delivery.

Benefits of normal delivery to the baby:

  • With a normal delivery, the baby is able to support his mother a little earlier than with a cesarean delivery.
  • The baby gets breast milk quickly. This reduces the risk of jaundice in the baby.
  • In the last part of the article, some questions and answers of the readers are given.

Frequently asked questions

How does it know when and for how long to push the baby out?
If a pregnant woman's cervix has opened up to 10 centimeters, then it's time to push to bring the baby out. During this, pregnant women start feeling the pressure of the baby's head between their legs. If a pregnant woman has had an epidural injection, she may not need to push too hard. Apart from this, the delivery doctor also keeps giving instructions to the pregnant woman about pushing.

Will I need to have an Episiotomy?
Episiotomy is needed only in certain circumstances. Episiotomy is usually needed when the size of the baby's head is larger than the mother's vaginal area. When this happens, it becomes difficult for the baby to come out. In addition, if the baby gets stuck in the birth canal, episiotomy is also required to get it out. To perform an episiotomy, doctors make an incision on the pregnant woman's vaginal area. Usually, doctors make the decision to perform episiotomy during delivery.

Do I need stitches on the vagina after delivery?
Yes, during delivery, when the baby starts coming out, there is a lot of pressure on the pregnant woman's vagina. Because of this, some part of the vagina can also tear slightly. In this case, there may be a need for stitches on the vagina. Also, if there is an episiotomy, then stitches have to be done after that.

If I have had a cesarean delivery before, can I have a normal delivery if I get pregnant for the second time? , Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Yes, it is possible to have a normal delivery even if there has been a caesarean delivery before. This largely depends on the physical condition of the pregnant woman. Many doctors also believe that women who have had a cesarean delivery before, their next delivery can be normal.

Can a pregnant woman have a normal delivery if she has twins in her womb?
Yes, if both the babies present in the pregnant woman's womb are healthy, then they can have a normal delivery. If the first child is straight, then the chances of a normal delivery increase, but keeping in mind the position of the second child, one should also try for a normal delivery. There are many women who have given birth to twins in the normal way.

What are the complications in normal delivery?
Although normal delivery is considered absolutely safe, but during this time sometimes you may have to deal with the following complications:

  • Sudden rupture of placenta.
  • Fetal head coming out first.
  • Incidence or increase in the heartbeat of the baby.
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Early bursting of the water bag.

In case of any such complication, the doctor can immediately decide to perform a caesarean delivery.

How much pain does normal delivery hurt?
Every woman's experience during a normal delivery can be different. How much pain the woman will feel during delivery depends on her physical and emotional capacity.

We hope that after reading this article, you must have understood the importance of normal delivery. In any case, normal delivery is considered better than C-section and doctors also confirm this. So, if you are also pregnant, then follow all those tips, which increase the chances of normal delivery. You can read our other articles for more such information related to pregnancy.