Being too protective is dangerous for the child, learn how
The child needs the support of the mother, needs love, caresses. There is no close watch of the mother who falls round the clock. why it is not right for the child to give excessive protection cover. The child's food, his sleep, his school, his studies, his development, every moment of his news... these are just some of the things which keep going on in your mind often? Can't you think of anything other than a child? If your answer is yes, then know that you are an 'overprotective mom'.

The child is your heart, believe it... but now this child is occupying your whole mind. This is something that you just don't want to let him go out of sight. Even if it disappears, you get to know about it every single moment. As a mother, it is not only your responsibility to take care of the child, it is also very important for you emotionally. But an overdose of this one emotion makes you an overprotective mother from a mother. But, alas, this nature of yours only harms the child instead of giving any kind of benefit.
Child's own thinking
Remember, the child may have been born by you, but it also has its own individual nature. The child's own personality will not be able to develop if you keep dominating it with your own thinking. You want to run it at your own pace throughout the day, but due to your calculations, he will never be able to recognize his own calculations.
Think of it in such a way that you always want to protect the child from bad situations, so stay with him most of the time. But now in such a situation, someday while playing with him another child is dishonest, even then you will reach to solve everything yourself. But here you will make a mistake. In fact, in this way, the child himself will not be able to learn to overcome his problems. Meaning you will not be able to live with the child at every stage of the age. What will happen then, instead of facing these problems, he will be defeated by them. It may be that he will break in front of that trouble. This problem can be related to school, college job, and other issues of life.
Lack of maturity
Your habit of taking extra care of the child will not allow the child to mature with age. In fact, it will become a habit for them to depend on you. He may start to depend too much on you at home, then on the teacher or boss outside, etc. This happens because the child has never solved any problem or issue by himself. To solve his problem, the only solution he has is to seek help from others. Neither will he be able to gain confidence, nor will he be able to learn to control himself in situations. Now with this nature will come the lack of maturity.
Dare to be alone
With an overprotective mother, the child may also have a unique habit. This is the habit of not being alone. Due to this, when the opportunity of alone comes in front of the child, then he will choose his compulsion of not being able to be alone in front of the benefits associated with this opportunity. Like maybe, by working very hard, the child gets admission to the best college, but when it comes to studying in this college in another city, then the child will choose not to go to college and stay with you. He will not be able to recognize his own strength apart from yours. Despite having abilities, he will not be able to do anything amazing in life.
The work which will be theirs only-
With the passage of time, when your child reaches an environment where he has to do all the work on his own, problems will arise. These jobs can be especially related to the profession. Be it a new project or a meeting with the boss, he will feel the lack of you everywhere.
Then the child will perform-
Children of an overprotective mother always want someone to keep an eye on whether they are doing everything right. Otherwise, the child may not even dare to work. Even after all the preparations, the child lags behind while performing. To avoid this situation, it is necessary that you keep some distance from the child. Give him a chance to be independent. Understand this thing that without doing this the child will never be able to find a way forward. If you want to benefit from it, then instead of doing many tasks throughout the day yourself, start making the child a part of them too. In this way he will at least feel the responsibility towards his actions and his personality will improve. The help of the whole family can be taken in this work.