Can I get pregnant even after having my period?

I have heard many women saying that she got pregnant or was pregnant even after her period and she had periods during that time. Although these two things are very different, for women, both these situations can be troublesome. A question that is very common regarding menstruation and pregnancy is, can one get pregnant even after having a period?

Can I get pregnant even after having my period?

Although the chances of it happening that a woman can become pregnant after her period are very less, but it is not impossible either. It has been found that one in five thousand women go through this condition. This means that this happens very rarely but it is possible in some situations.

So let's know what are the possibilities in which a woman can get pregnant even after her period.

Can I get pregnant even after having my period?

If you are pregnant even after your period, then it could be due to the following reasons:

Main Reason

It is believed that a man's semen can remain alive for several days in a woman's body. In such a situation, if you have had a physical relationship a day or two before the period and there is live semen in your body, which has reached your fallopian tube.

In this case, if the egg is released from your uterus during the ovulation period and reaches the live semen in the fallopian tubes, then the chances of getting pregnant are higher when the two meet. However, the chances of this whole process happening are very small.

Irregular period

Normally the normal menstrual period is twenty-eight to thirty-five days but most women go through irregular periods. In such a situation, it is very normal to have a period early or late. If you have a short period, that is, your period comes before twenty-eight days, then the ovulation of women can happen before or even after 28 days.

In such a situation, you can get pregnant during the period or even after having a physical relationship. This means that one of the reasons for getting pregnant even after the period is abnormal menstruation.

Premature ovulation

Sometimes due to some reasons, the woman's body starts ovulating prematurely. In such a situation, if a physical relationship is made during the period, then you can become pregnant. Although it is also very unlikely that the egg is expelled from the woman's body during menstruation, even if this happens, you can still get pregnant during and immediately after menstruation.

If you have a normal period, there is less chance of an egg being released soon after your period. If there is normal menstruation, the egg is usually released from the 12th day to the 16th day after menstruation, but if the menstrual cycle is irregular, then there is a high chance that the egg is released during or immediately after menstruation. . In such a situation, it is important for you to take care of your ovulation period.

Spotting during pregnancy

  • It is not necessary that you become pregnant during menstruation. Sometimes a woman is pregnant and it is normal to have bleeding or spotting during this early period (but this bleeding is less than a normal period).
  • Sometimes women take this as a period. Women who take contraceptive medicines for a long time have to face this type of situation more. If so, then a pregnancy test should be done immediately and a doctor's opinion should be taken.
  • Not only this, if your ovulation period is going on and during this time your period starts or spotting is happening and you have a physical relationship, then there is an increased chance that you will get pregnant but you can get it during the period. pregnancy can be understood.

There is no time during the month when it is safe for you to have sex, but there are certain days of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. But if you still have physical relations during the period after that and you do not want to get pregnant, then keep the following things in mind:

  • Physical contact is not advised during the period as it is believed that having sex during this period is more likely to cause infection.
    Always be careful.
  • You can also avoid getting pregnant by using condoms or taking birth control medicines.
  • If you have sex without using any contraception, you can get pregnant at any time during or even after your menstrual cycle.