Implantation Bleeding With Twins [How Long Does IB Last With Twins?]
Twins are double trouble. Does that mean everything going to happen will be twice? What about implantation bleeding with twins?
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Does that mean implantation bleeding with twins will be twice as much? Does that mean implantation bleeding with twins will occur twice?
Spotting is frequent, but there is no quantification of it. More than a twin pregnancy, factors such as maternal weight, age, and risks of pregnancy affect spotting more.
Miscarriages are more common in twin pregnancies. Fertility therapies ART often lead to having multiples. Twin Research Human Genetics, Cambridge University Press, in 2007 gave clear evidence that there is no difference in placentas of ART and natural pregnancy.
In cases of first-trimester twin miscarriage, women experience active bleeding. Implantation bleeding with twin's red clots does not come under spot.
Does Having Twins Mean Implantation Bleeding Will Occur Twice?
Implantation bleeding twice for twins can be either in amount or occurrence. Research studies mention that implantation bleeding occurs more when you’re pregnant with twins. There is no evidence that implantation bleeding occurs twice with twins.
The reason behind the spotting after a week from conception is the attachment of the egg. As the egg moves in the upper layers of the uterine lining, it causes bleeding.
Implantation spotting with twins occurs twice when the cleavage takes place before attachment. Either cleavage before implantation or fertilization of two eggs can do that.
Other than that you know both babies are going to develop simultaneously and come out together. Whether the same amnion as monochorionic monoamniotic or monochorionic diamniotic, the due date is the same.
Some monochorionic twins share the same placenta. They come from the same egg and implant together. Implantation Bleeding takes time to trickle down your uterus and in the vagina. It becomes brown even if you have twins.
Active bleeding is never implantation bleeding. What can a small needle prick do? That’s precisely what implantation of twins does.
Do Twins Take Longer To Implant?
As newbies to pregnancy, we need to understand the way twins form. It’s not double the effort of a singleton pregnancy or baking two cakes. It’s just splitting the cake either at the dry mix, batter or during baking. If twins take longer for any step in pregnancy, either of them would be improperly developed at the time of birth.
Twins don’t take longer to implant but cause more spotting.
Don’t presume it to be a hint for implantation bleeding twins heavier. Even frequent spotting doesn’t get heavy or have clots. Instead, the reason for frequent spotting is the difficulty of stabilizing the hormones. Many women lose their twins and have heavy bleeding due to miscarriage. Mothers in the age group under 17 are more prone to twin miscarriage.
Implantation blood in twins does not show or look any different. If you have triplets even then implantation will be the same.
Symptoms Of Implantation Bleeding With Twins
Before going to the signs of early pregnancy with twins, remember that only 1/3rd of women have implantation spotting. Pregnant women often disregard it as spotting or never have it. You can imagine the possibility of identifying the symptoms of implantation bleeding multiple now.
Theoretical knowledge hints that implantation cramps in twins last longer. Why? Just because two babies are developing. An insignificant difference in size compared to singleton develops localized cramps.
Early stages of pregnancy lead to cramps from gas, accommodation changes, and uterine reshaping. Along with it during implantation the egg cause twitching sensations.
We get a lot of women asking us about having heavy or bright red implantation bleeding with twins. No, no, no! Twins, triplets, or even quadruplets will not lead to bright red bleeding or spots.
Signs that you have twins at the time of implantation:
- Early onset of morning sickness: Toxicosis from the change in hormones after implantation causes morning sickness. The Early-onset of nausea and vomiting can be because your hormones are skyrocketing. Twin pregnancy has a genetic predisposition. Women from a family where twins are common, tend to have severe morning sickness. Exceptions always exist!
- Sharp twitching on one side of the abdomen: Amongst all the different kinds of movements, twin mums can feel IB cramps easily. Often implantation is such an early stage that mainly TTC women observe it. For others, it’s a way past even whether the pregnancy is a surprise or shock. Twin development always gives an upper value in results. Not that they are out of the normal range.
- Big fat positive PT: If you didn’t have a difficult time with pregnancy test kits then you could be having twins. Big fat positive is nothing but enough hCG to highlight the test line. Superfetation though a rare thing is getting pregnant while you’re already pregnant. Identical twins are not a case of superfetation. Even if they have a separate placenta, they’ll grow parallel. Pamela Prindle Fierro, in her post on fraternal twins, writes about getting pregnant twins while pregnant. It can be superfetation when they share their father or superfecundation if the father is different. Twins with separate placenta produce more hCG. In that case, you will have more implantation bleeding too.
- Aggravated ovulation symptoms previously: Twins are common when you get hyperovulation drugs. Fertility therapies involve such drugs. Multiple eggs released after shots. And if you’ve more than one sex partner, then you can have twins with different dads. Before their implantation, the symptoms of ovulation will be prominent.
- Frequent urge to pee: Implantation bleeding and twins bring us to another crisis of early pregnancy – peeing. Your bladder has an extended hangover. Bathroom visits will not let you do anything for long. In the later stages, it will get worse, unlike singleton where it subsides.
Do You Have More Implantation Bleeding With Twins?
Implantation bleeding more common with twins is just a mathematical presumption. Just because you have twins at least one of them would cause bleeding is a false belief. Probability does support the thought, but it’s not what we get to see.
Implantation bleeding with clots twins leads to dreaded visits to the hospital. Miscarriage or vanishing twin are the two outcomes in that case. Whenever during pregnancy you’ve unusual excess bleeding inform your doctor.
Bleeding with clots if you see them after peeing implies somewhere inside there is active blood flowing. That’s not what should happen unless you’re aborting or having the period.
Here are some other cases:
1. Longer Implantation Bleeding With Twins
Once the duration of IB with twins crosses two days, then it’s no longer implantation spotting. The size of the twins at an early stage like implantation is as big as 2 dots. What difference could that tiny babies make?
2. Early Implantation Bleeding With Twins
In the case of identical twins, it is possible that they cleave and implant. A single baby can also give the symptoms of implantation like in the case of a twin pregnancy. The major differences between the two kinds of pregnancy begin a few weeks later.
One twin can cause IB before the other twin. In the case of superfetation and twins, it’s likely that you have IB twice. It’s equally possible that one causes spotting and the other baby doesn’t.
3. Heavy Implantation Bleeding Twins
Most pregnancies suffer early implantation failures that cause spontaneous abortion. Heavy blood flow near due implantation date occurs when either both or one twin has a risk of survival.
No Implantation Bleeding With Twins
About 2/3rd of pregnant women who don’t have implantation bleeding include mothers with twins too. After undergoing IUI or IVF, you may have irritation in the vagina or spotting. There are slight differences between calculating the dates of pregnancy stages when you get frozen eggs.
In that case, not having implantation bleeding doesn’t mean anything is wrong.
Many women are not able to recall and relate when did they have implantation bleeding. With twins, things can go fast. You might be struggling with your morning sickness and never know that you had implantation spotting.
If you don’t see implantation spots don’t worry about your pregnancy. The absence of implantation bleeding doesn’t tell anything about the health or progress of the baby.