Being underweight during pregnancy can be fatal for the baby?

During pregnancy, many changes take place in the body of women, because different hormones start changing in the body of women, due to which many changes also take place in the body of women, one of which is the problem that if pregnancy During this, the weight of women starts decreasing very much. This problem can harm their baby.

Being underweight during pregnancy can be fatal for the baby?

Being underweight during pregnancy can be fatal for the baby

During pregnancy, many changes take place in the body of women, because different hormones start changing in the body of women, due to which many changes also take place in the body of women, one of which is the problem that if pregnancy During this, the weight of women starts decreasing very much. This problem can harm their baby. Some women do not know how much they should weigh before conceiving. The weight of a woman increases during pregnancy. But some women do not gain weight, those women whose weight increases, then these women do not have to face any kind of problem. But women who do not gain weight or are not as overweight as they should be, then a lot of problems can arise for such women.

Even the unborn child in their womb may have to face many types of diseases. Today we will tell you all the things related to this, How Much Should a Woman Weigh During Pregnancy and How Does Losing Weight During Pregnancy Affect their Baby, along with this we will also talk about How Can Women Gain Weight During Pregnancy and What causes You will also learn about women to lose weight during pregnancy.

How Much Should a Woman Weight During Pregnancy

You must have often seen that many women do not have any problem with weight gain, but some women have a lot of problems with weight gain. There can be many reasons for women not gaining weight during pregnancy, such as metabolism, morning sickness, or women having any health-related problems due to which they do not gain weight. Like being overweight during pregnancy, there are some disadvantages of being underweight, which we are going to tell you about. If a woman loses weight, then understand that the combination of your weight and pregnancy is not right. When women want to conceive, those women should first get their weight checked. If the weight of those women is less than 45 kg, then those women should not conceive. Because in order to conceive, the weight of women must be at least 45 kilograms. There are many women who are very skinny and still want to conceive, if they think of conceiving in such a situation, then the woman may have to face many difficulties. Therefore, for women whose weight is less than 45 kg, then those women should increase their weight.

Loss to the Mother Duedue to Being Underweight During Pregnancy?

  • If a woman is underweight, then along with the lack of nutrients and iron in the body of those women, there is also a lack of folic acid in their body, and in this situation, many women also have to face the problem of miscarriage. Is. Because nutrients are very important for women at the time of pregnancy and when our body weight is too much or too much, then it is a common thing to lack nutrients in the body and nutritional deficiencies. In women, even after conceiving, they cannot give birth to a child.
  • Most of the women who are underweight, most of those women deliver before 9 months, most of these women are delivered before the 37th week. Even after the delivery of the child, the child is not healthy at all, the child has some disease from birth or else such children may also be victims of malnutrition. When women give birth to a child before time, then their body also has to face many types of problems.
  • If women have a problem of being underweight during pregnancy, then those women are more likely to have a cesarean operation while conceiving.
  • Women who have the problem of being underweight during pregnancy, those women may also have to face diseases like anemia, osteoporosis later in their life, because women who are thin can face many problems in their bodies. In the body of such women, the body has used up all the nutrients to meet the needs of the fetus. Therefore, underweight women can go ahead with many problems in their life.
  • Women who conceive when they are underweight can have many problems. As such women start getting very little milk from the breast, to fulfill this you have to take supplements.

How Losing Weight During Pregnancy Can Harm the Baby?

  • If the baby does not get enough nutrients and iron during pregnancy, then the weight of the baby of those women is very low from birth. This is because when the baby is in the womb, if it does not get enough nutrients at that time, then the baby will lose weight.
  • If your baby's weight is too low since birth, it can lead to problems like hypothermia in the baby or low blood sugar in the future.
  • For children who are underweight, the immunity of those children can also be weak, due to which children are more prone to infection.
  • Such a child may have to face diabetes or any relationship-related diseases in the future.
  • Many times it also happens that if the pregnant woman is too thin, then in such a situation many women and her baby can also die.
  • If a child's weight is less than the time of birth, then that child can have many problems. As the ability to learn or understand those children decreases, then those children may also have trouble seeing and hearing.

How Do Women Get Nutrients During Pregnancy?

There are many things during pregnancy that you can keep in mind to give an adequate amount of nutrients to your baby.

  • During pregnancy, women should take great care of their food and drink. When they eat their food, they should consume such things in their diet which are rich in nutrients. If you take a nutritious diet during pregnancy, then your baby will also not be deficient in nutrients, so women should consume nutrients during pregnancy.
  • You must have often seen that many women are like this, they eat food but consume such a diet in which nutrients are not found at all. If you consume such a diet during pregnancy, then your baby will also be deficient in nutrients. If your baby's body lacks nutrients, then the baby may have to face many problems. Therefore, let us tell you that during pregnancy, women should consume such food in which iron and nutrients have been found in abundance.
  • There are many women who drink very little water during pregnancy. Many women feel very less thirsty, then some women deliberately give less water, but today let us tell you that if you drink less water during the homestay, then there is a deficiency of folic acid in your body. If there is a deficiency of folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman, then she can have many types of problems and the children of the woman may also lack folic acid. Therefore, pregnant women should drink enough water during pregnancy so that they do not have any kind of problem.
  • Now below we will tell you that women who are very thin and pregnant, how can those women increase their weight, which we will give you the information that you can increase your weight with the help of this.
  • There are many women who do not have breakfast, but during pregnancy or before pregnancy, women must have breakfast and women should consume such a diet in their breakfast in which protein is in sufficient quantity.
  • Women who are thin, those women should eat food 2 to 3 times a day and when they eat food, they have to keep one thing in mind that whatever diet she is taking and take a balanced and healthy diet, dry in her diet.
  • One thing to be noted during pregnancy is that when you are pregnant, you should not consume fast food at all. Many women are such that they fill their stomachs by eating fast food, but if you consume fast food during pregnancy, then it does not contain nutrients at all, due to which there can be a lack of nutrients in your body. Therefore, during your stay at home, you should not consume fast food at all, you should consume such things which are rich in nutrients.
  • You should drink milk during pregnancy: Milk is considered to be the best source of protein and calcium. Drinking milk can also help you gain weight.
  • If a woman is underweight, then those women should not exercise at all. There are many women who exercise even when they are thin. Let us tell you that during pregnancy you should not exercise at all. If a woman used to exercise to lose weight, then do very little. Women who are already thin, do not need to exercise at all, so they should not exercise.
  • Women who are thin, then women should consume such things in their diet to increase their weight, which will increase their weight. Like avocado, pulses, cereals, and dry food should be consumed, but during pregnancy, women have to pay attention to one thing. Do not consume too much dry food during this arrangement, as there are many dry foods that are hot and can cause damage to the system. Therefore, during pregnancy, women should reduce the consumption of dog food, they should consume a lot of green vegetables during religion, if they eat more green vegetables, then their weight will start increasing quickly.

Conclusion –

We have given you complete information about why it is important for pregnant women to control their weight and how low-weight women can be harmed in pregnancy. Let us tell you that if the weight of women is less than 45 kg during pregnancy, then you are not advised to conceive such women at all. Because women have low weight, then such women can neither remain healthy themselves nor can give birth to a healthy child. In addition, we learned How Much Should a Woman Weigh During Pregnancy and How Does Losing Weight During Pregnancy Affects their Baby In Hindi, as well as How, Can Women Gain Weight During Pregnancy and What Causes Women to Lose Weight During Also know about Pregnancy.