Symptoms of having a girl or boy in the womb?
When a woman conceives, the whole family starts weaving a golden dream along with her. Various preparations are started to welcome the little guest coming to the house. Now the guest coming will be a little prince or a princess, this thing remains a secret till the time of delivery. Actually, in India it is a crime to know the sex of the child before birth.

In this article by MyBabyCare, we explain how nature determines the gender of a human being. Along with this, we will also tell you about those popular and traditional remedies, with the help of which the sex of the child has been estimated.
How is a boy or a girl born?
According to biology, two types of sex chromosomes are found in women and men. Female ovaries have XX chromosomes and male sperm have XY chromosomes. The XX chromosomes determine the sex of the girl and the XY chromosomes determine the sex of the boy. When the Y chromosome of a man's sperm is fertilized by the X chromosome of a woman's ovary, a boy is born. Similarly, if the X chromosome of a man's sperm is fertilized by the X chromosome of a woman's ovary, a girl is born.
signs of having a boy in the womb
Whether the baby in the womb is a boy or a girl, it cannot be predicted 100% accurately. Then on the basis of some common symptoms given below, people have been predicting the boy in the womb:
1. Belly Size
If the pregnant woman's abdomen is heavy and tilted downwards, it is seen as a sign of the presence of a boy in the womb.
2. Skin Changes
Skin changes are common during pregnancy. Still, it is believed that if there is a boy in the womb, then the rash, acne and spots on the face of the pregnant woman become more visible. Apart from this, the face of the pregnant woman also starts looking withered.
3. Change in Breast Size
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes due to hormones. During this, the size of the woman's breast increases, due to which she is ready for breastfeeding. However, there is a slight difference in the size of both the breasts. If the right breast is bigger and heavier than the left breast, then it is considered a sign of having a boy in the womb.
4. Cold feet and dry hands
Cold feet and dry hands during pregnancy are considered a sign of the presence of a boy in the womb.
5. Craving for spicy food
Although there is a desire to eat many types of things in pregnancy, but when there is a boy in the womb, the desire to eat spicy and salty things is more.
6. Heartbeat
The heart of a baby in the womb beats about 140 times in a minute. Since boys have a slow heartbeat, if the baby's heart beats less than 140 times a minute, it is considered a sign of a boy in the womb.
What to do to have a boy?
(1) As we have told you, the sex of the child depends on the behavior of the Y chromosome. Sperm with Y chromosome are smaller and faster. If you have sex on the last day of ovulation or the day after it, the chances of having a boy are higher. The vaginal discharge on the day of ovulation is smooth and thick. Based on this symptom of leakage, the day of ovulation can be identified.
(2) The shuttle method associated with the study of sex determination of the fetus has been in practice since the 1960s. Married couples claim 75% of it to be successful. According to the shuttle method, the mating position plays an important role in determining the sex of the fetus. In order to produce a boy, the position of the body of the woman and the man at the time of intercourse must be such that the man's sperm can fertilize deeply into the woman's egg. For example, if a woman has sex sitting on top of a man, the chances of getting a boy increase. In addition, the shuttle method also recommends having intercourse in the days around ovulation to produce a boy.
(3) It is believed that wearing a boxer or shorts for a man is good for increasing male sperm. Wearing shorts or boxers keeps the temperature of the testicles (scrotum) under control. Due to this, sufficient amount of sperms are produced in the testicles. Wearing tight underwear raises the temperature of the testicles and can reduce sperm production.
Diet to conceive a boy
A diet with alkaline properties and a diet rich in potassium keeps male spermatozoa healthy. Below are the names of some such food and drink, whose consumption increases the chances of conceiving a boy:
(1) Banana: Banana is a good source of potassium. Potassium keeps male spermatozoa alive and healthy for a long time. This increases the chances of sperms getting fertilized in the egg. Along with this, it can also prove useful for conceiving a boy in the womb.
(2) Consumption of fruits of lemon genus (Citrus): Vitamin-C and antioxidants are found in abundance in the fruits of lemon lineage. If you wish to have a boy, then you should consume more fruits of the citrus genus, such as grapes, oranges, etc.
(3) Mushrooms: In addition to vitamin-D, potassium and selenium, mushrooms contain many nutritious elements. Therefore, mushrooms are considered beneficial for the health of male sperm.
(4) Zinc Rich Diet: Zinc is found in abundance in foods such as oysters, pumpkin and meat. It increases a woman's chances of conceiving. According to nutritionist Bridget Swinney, zinc not only boosts testosterone levels, but also increases male sperm count keeping them healthy.
(5) Foods rich in glucose: Foods high in calories contain high amounts of glucose. It is believed that higher glucose levels in the body increase the chances of having a boy.
Keep in mind that before starting the consumption of any of the above mentioned food items, definitely consult a doctor.
Remedies to have a boy with the help of herbs and supplements
In addition to a balanced and nutritious diet, you can increase your chances of having a boy with the help of certain herbs and supplements. Some such herbs and supplements are listed below:
1. Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoid, which are rich in antioxidants. It is found in red, blue and purple fruits and vegetables. For example- red onion, brinjal, grapes, berries, tomato, kidney beans, pomegranate, etc. Anthocyanins keep the vagina internally healthy, allowing male sperms to get fertilized in the ovaries more quickly.
2. Ellagic Acid
This acidic compound is especially found in fruits, such as strawberries, pomegranates and blueberries. This acid keeps male spermatozoa alive in the vagina for a long time.
3. Guaifenesin
This naturally occurring dietary supplement helps the body adapt to fertilization. This dietary supplement makes the lining of the vagina (also known as mucus) more smooth and thinner. Male sperm can easily reach the ovary when the mat is smooth and thin, which increases the chances of having a boy.
4. Coulis Sargentodox
It is a natural herb found in Asian countries. It completely prepares the vagina and the reproductive organs for the fertilization process. This gives the male sperm a full chance to survive and proliferate for a longer period of time. Apart from this, it also increases the chances of having a boy.
5. Arginine
It is also a natural dietary supplement. Arginine is found in abundance in seed items, such as walnuts, almonds and pecans. Arginine also helps male sperms to fertilize the ovaries.
Signs of having a daughter/girl in the womb Without Ultrasound Garbh Me Ladki Hone Ke Lakshan
Just as the presence of a boy in the womb can be predicted, in the same way the symptoms of having a daughter in the womb can also be identified. Some of the common symptoms of the presence of a girl in the womb are as follows:
1. Rapid heartbeat
The heartbeat of a girl is faster than that of a boy in the womb. If the ultrasound scan shows that the heart of the baby in the womb is beating more than 140 times in a minute, then it is considered a sign of a girl in the womb.
2. Nausea and Nausea
According to the researchers, increased nausea and the problem of nausea in pregnancy can be considered a sign of having a girl in the womb.
3. Belly Size
If your belly is round and raised when you are pregnant, then this can be considered a sign of a girl in the womb.
4. Mood Changes
Women's mood changes when they have a girl in the womb. Feelings of anger, irritability, stress and depression are more visible in them.
5. Change in Breast Size
Watching your breast carefully during pregnancy can help to know the sex of the baby. If the size of your left breast is larger than the right breast, then it can be considered a sign of having a girl child.
6. Testing with Garlic
If your body odor does not change after eating garlic while pregnant, then understand that there is a girl in the womb. Actually, when there is a boy in the womb, the odor starts coming from the hair follicles of the body.
7. Desire to eat sweet things
If a pregnant woman suddenly has a desire to eat sweet things (sweets, chocolates, etc.), then it is considered a symptom of having a girl in the womb.
What to do to have a girl?
If you want to have a girl, you can use the following methods:
- According to the shuttle method related to the study of sex determination, couples wishing to have a girl should have intercourse two to four days before ovulation. During this time, the chances of the female sperms getting fertilized in the ovary are very high. Such couples should avoid having sex around ovulation (when the lining of the vagina is very smooth and thin).
- Couples wishing to have a girl child can also resort to the weaning method. This method is also related to the study and research of sex determination. This method is considered 57% successful. According to the weaning method, sexual intercourse should take place two to three days before ovulation in order to have a girl. Remember that there is no scientific evidence for the success of the Welan and Shuttle methods.
- Couples who wish to have a girl child should have as much sex as possible instead of setting a specific time for intercourse. This gives the X chromosome (female chromosome) more opportunities to fertilize the egg.
- If you want to have a girl, you should take potassium and salt in limited amounts. You should take a low-salt diet and have intercourse before ovulation. In other words, you should use as little salt as possible in cooking. Apart from this, such things should be avoided, in which potassium is found in high amounts. For example, bread, olives, seafood, etc.
- It is believed that if a man takes a hot water bath before intercourse, then the chances of having a girl increase. In fact, the Y chromosome (male chromosome) is unable to tolerate hot temperatures and is destroyed. This gives the X chromosome (female chromosome) more chances to fertilize the egg.
- A woman can also increase her chances of having a girl by raising the pH level in her body. The pH levels in the body can be raised by eating more of pineapples, tomatoes and such things which are rich in folic acid.
Diet to conceive a girl
Below are the names of some such food and drink, whose consumption increases the chances of conceiving a girl:
(1) Eggs: Eggs are rich in calcium and acidic acids. The pH level in the body of women who eat eggs regularly increases. This increased pH level is harmful to the male chromosome and beneficial to the female chromosome.
(2) Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables contain many nutrients and vitamins. These nutrients and vitamins keep female chromosomes healthy and help them grow.
(3) Sprouts and whole grains: Minerals like magnesium and selenium found in sprouts and whole grains not only boost our immunity power but also increase the chances of giving birth to a girl child.
(4) Beans: Eating many types of beans, such as kidney beans, beans, soybeans, etc., also increases the chances of having a girl.
Remedies for getting a girl child with the help of herbs and supplements
While conceiving, many women have doubts whether they should take supplements now or not. Many times they shy away from taking supplements due to lack of correct information. Whereas, it is very important for pregnant women to take certain dietary supplements.
After consulting a doctor, decide the amount of your dietary supplements, such as vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid, etc. Regular consumption of these will not only increase your immunity, but also couples hoping for the birth of a girl child can also get positive results.
In addition, it is good to take acidophilus with cranberry juice. It prevents yeast infection and lowers the pH level in the body. This helps in conceiving the girl child.
Other ways to know gender
We have told you above about the symptoms associated with the presence of a boy or girl in the womb. Let us now tell you about those traditional methods of gender test, which people have been using for a long time. However, the results of these tests are not 100% accurate.
1. Gender Test With Baking Soda
This is a home method to know the sex of the baby in the womb. A day before this test, make the pregnant woman drink plenty of water throughout the day. After this, the next day take a sample of the first morning urine of the pregnant woman and mix an equal amount of baking soda in it. If this mixture starts forming froth (the kind of foam formed when eno is mixed with water), then it is assumed that there is a boy in the womb. But, if there is no movement in the mixture even after adding baking soda, then it is assumed that there is a girl in the womb.
2. Know the gender of the baby with the wedding ring
This test is like a fun game and there is no scientific proof of its accuracy. To perform this test, first of all lie on the bed straight and tie your wedding ring with a thread and hang it over the stomach. You can also take the help of another family member to do this. Now let the ring move without any hindrance. It is said that if the ring spins round and round, it is a girl and if it moves from one direction to the other, it is a boy.
3. Knowing Gender Using Chinese Lunar Calendar
There is also no scientific evidence that the calculations done through this calendar are correct. However, it has been observed that the results obtained from this are 50% correct.
To perform this test, enter the pregnant woman's date of birth and the date she conceived in the Chinese lunar calendar calculator. If you do not remember the date of conception, then enter the date of delivery as prescribed by the doctor. After this the calculator will calculate and tell whether it will be a boy or a girl. If the date of birth of a pregnant woman and the date of the lunar month are the same, then she has a girl child. But, if these two dates are different, then there is a boy in the womb.
4. Predicting Gender by Fetal Head Size
The sex of the unborn baby can be predicted by looking at the outline of the fetal head in an ultrasound scan. However, correct guesses can be made only by experienced people who know the difference between the shape of the head of a girl and a boy. To make such an estimate, the age of the fetus must be at least 12 weeks.
5. NAB Gender Test
For the first 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, a genital called a tubercle is present between the legs of the fetus. This genital is called nab. This genitalia determines the sex of the fetus. If the angle of the nub is more than 30 degrees from the spine, then it is an indication of the presence of a boy in the womb. Similarly, if the angle of the nub is less than 30 degrees to the spine, it is an indication of the presence of a girl in the womb.
An ultrasound scan of a pregnant woman is needed to know the sex of the baby through nub sex test. To know the gender of the baby in the image obtained from the scan, the angle of the nub should be measured from the lower part of his spine.
Frequently asked questions
1. What should be the pH level to conceive a girl child?
A pH level between 4 and 4.5 is considered the best for conceiving a girl child.
2. How to track ovulation?
Use these methods to track ovulation:
You can track ovulation manually by taking into account the first day (LMP) of the last menstrual period. For example, if the 1st of a month is your LMP day, the 14th would be your ovulation day. The period from the 10th to the 17th of this month will be counted as your fertility days. This calculation can also be done with the help of online ovulation calculator.
You can also track ovulation by monitoring your body temperature. For this, you have to wake up every morning and measure your body temperature with a thermometer. Note down this daily figure in a diary. After this, by looking at the data of one month, find out on which day your body temperature has been higher than normal. Since the body temperature is highest on the day of ovulation, you can easily find out the 'ovulation day' with this method.
You can also find out the day of ovulation by examining your vaginal cervix (which we also call mucus). It is thickest and smoothest on the day of ovulation, while it is thinner during normal days.
Your body also informs you about the day of ovulation through many other signals. Such as pain in the upper part of the vagina between menstrual cycles, tenderness of the breasts (as happens during hormonal changes) etc. These symptoms indicate that it is time for you to ovulate.
Apart from this, you can also use ovulation test kits available at drug stores to find out the day of ovulation.
Remember that children are a gift of nature and gifts should be accepted in every form. Also, discriminating between son and daughter shows narrow mentality. Therefore, both should be taken care of equally. Also don't forget to share this article with your friends and acquaintances who are preparing for the arrival of the little prince or little angel in the house.
Note: Gender-prediction during pregnancy cannot be justified in any way. MomJunction has always believed in gender equality and does not encourage immoral acts such as sex determination. At the same time, it avoids such questions, in which it is asked in relation to knowing the gender before birth.