12 Nutritious tips for feeding your baby.

It can be very stressful and confusing for every new parent to decide what to feed and how to feed their baby after 6 months.

12 Nutritious tips for feeding your baby.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding early childhood nutrition, and there are different opinions on certain aspects of baby food. We are here to make that transition easy for you and your baby.

Below are some general pointers that you can use to make your baby food that is not only safe but also extremely nutritious:

1. Breastfeeding first, then solids.

Your baby should be completely dependent on breastmilk or formula before switching to solid foods so that he can get all the necessary nutrients and health-giving nutrients before going on solid food. Often around nine months, it reverses and food comes first.

2. Lumps and Bumps from Puree to Liquid

The transition from the regular taste of liquid to solid food from substance to puree to lumps and bumps full can be quite difficult. "Foods" also vary in color with a thicker flavor and texture. It is essential to ensure that all foods are either cooked or ground (by hand, by blender, or baby food equipment) into a smooth liquid paste similar to thin curd (breast milk or formula is used to thin the food) can go). You can introduce a new type of food every 3-5 days to understand your baby's reactions.

3. Start as You Want to Continue

Your baby may only take a spoonful of food. Therefore you must maintain the quality. Always choose a diet rich in nutrients and non-adulterated foods, the quality of your baby's diet cannot be compromised. As your baby becomes more independent, the amount of food she gets matters as you may lose control over what will be eaten. Be persistent and keep in mind that you are yours when your baby is feeding. Don't lose your patience, no matter how frustrating the experience is. Being a good inspiration for them during this time can help your baby through mealtimes.

4. Do not leave gaps between meals

It can be very frustrating to see your baby getting angry. Forgetting, skipping, or even delaying a diet can put you in trouble as a parent. A regular supply of nutrients throughout the day ensures that your baby is getting all the required strength while also building a better foundation for a growing mind and body.

5. Good Iron Supplements

Around 6 months, your baby may have low iron levels. A good supply of iron is essential for healthy growth. Most baby cereals contain iron so make sure you invest in the right one. Talk to your doctor about adding foods that are rich in iron to your baby's diet.

6. Sloppy But Funny

Make the process of eating a meal a positive and enjoyable experience for your baby. Let them get messy and play with the food, even if you think you can, let them explore by touching and feeling the texture. Most parents will scold their baby for messing up, but learn to watch them! This will help make the routine as exciting as your baby wants it to be. A bib and some baby wipes are convenient for times like these.

7. Your Time

Take one new diet at a time and try different options over 3-5 days. This will make it easier to find out the cause if your baby has a food reaction/allergy. You will also be able to know which foods your baby likes and which are his favorite.

8. Dry, Hot, or Cold

Most babies prefer the temperature of the food to the normal temperature, yet some prefer it slightly warmer, for example. Body temperature (breast milk is approximately this temperature). Place your baby's pot in a pot of hot water and allow it to warm up to the desired temperature. And of course, definitely avoid using microwaves to heat baby food.

9. Importance of Water Consumption

The kidneys of infants are not as adept at handling the waste products after digestion of food as adults. When your baby starts on solid food, it becomes more important that you keep an eye on the amount of water your baby drinks, especially when solid food is given instead of breastmilk. The activity of thirst in babies is not fully developed, so you must continue to feed your baby with water at regular intervals. Make sure that babies' bottle/supper cups are kept in an easily visible place and check their contents during the day by weight.

10. Fruit Juice

Generally, parents give fruit juices to children to supplement their vitamin C supply. Although milk, fruit juice, and water are three important fluids for babies under one year of age, water is still more important. Although some amount of fruit juice is safe (in moderation), an overdose can cause problems with stomach disorders, thin stools, your baby's appetite, and in severe cases can affect their physical development. Baby food tips:

  •  They should not be given any fruit juice before 6 months.
  • They should not be given juice in a bottle or vessel from which the juice comes out easily, as babies can consume it throughout the day.
  • They should not be given juice while sleeping.

11. Right time to start cow's milk

Generally speaking, cow's milk should not be given until your baby is around one year old, to reduce the risk of allergies or affect breastfeeding, formula, and diet.

12. alternatives to milk

After a year, other milk substitutes can be a good option. Many are full of calcium, many are full of calcium to make up for any deficiency. Such drinks provide a variety of fluids as well as nutrition and may benefit infants with lactose intolerance or allergies and sensitivities.

Some options include:

  • Soy, many of these are now rich in calcium (choose those that are made from the original soybeans)
  • Nuts, such as almond milk (higher in essential fat and calcium).
  • Barley (particularly low glycaemic index and also known to be good for the nervous system).
  • Rice (can be quite sweet)