Bonding with a newborn
The first few weeks of your little one's life lay the foundation for your future relationship. During these few weeks, you may find that your newborn doesn't do much other than sleep and eat. But don't be in any misunderstanding, a lot is happening!

1. Relationship Building Tips for Beginners
For one thing, your baby is learning to depend on you according to his needs. Developing this sense of security and trust in the baby is one of the most wonderful gifts a parent can give to their baby. The true parent-child relationship develops from day-to-day care. With time you will understand your baby better and you will enjoy spending time with him. There will be many phenomenal things like the first smile and the first crawl, which will fill your heart with love and joy.
2. sleep, relation, sleep, relation
All newborn babies appear to be in deep sleep while sleeping! They get a lot of sleep, sleeping twelve to sixteen hours a day for a period of two to five hours each time. Even the eyes of a newborn baby who are awake can be closed, they can remain fully alert for only six to ten minutes at a time. By taking advantage of these reflex gaps, you can strengthen your bond with your baby by hugging her, singing a song, or having a one-sided conversation.
3. Watch carefully
What do newborn babies see? They don't see much because they can see best only from a distance of eight to ten inches in front of them, as they can see only close up - that is, only of a mother swaying from herself. to the distance of the face. Their peripheral vision is not yet developed and the visual field of an infant is one-third that of an adult. Despite this, children like to see patterns and bright colors. A bright red color creates the most curiosity in babies, and bright red color is best for them. Pastels or light colors on the other hand tend to look blurry to the baby, so it is wise to make the nursery the most colorful room in the house.
Lying in the crib, your newborn baby at first only looks to one side or the other. Therefore, hang a colored mobile on the side of the cradle from where it is visible to the baby.
Although a professional knows a lot about babies in general, as you watch, hold, feed, and love your baby every day, you will become the best expert on your baby in particular. You can only figure out what level of sleep, encouragement, and activity your baby needs and likes with close observation and a little experimentation.
4. Preparing more things
Newborns are also sensitive to internal stimuli. You can see your baby crying, making a mouth, and smiling. In fact, your baby's internal system is busy with its work. This is the time when you should capture these cute and charming expressions in your camera.
Of course, whenever you have any doubts about the proper care of your baby, do consult your doctor.